Réunion de la région du Québec / CFPA: Quebec Regional Meeting, le mercredi 9 octobre 2024

CFPA 2025 Annual General Meeting, May 21-23, Victoria, BC

Membership Privileges

The Canadian Fluid Power Association + You

The Canadian Fluid Power Association comprises fluid power companies and suppliers who come together to learn best practices, share industry insights and promote fluid power-specific education in support of the Fluid Power Industry in Canada.

Why Partner?

Your Success Today, Our Industry's Success Tomorrow

Are you selling into the Canadian fluid power market or do you intend to in the future?  The Canadian Fluid Power Association (CFPA) is the definitive source of information on the Canadian market.

We promote fluid power technology in Canada and provide our members with the knowledge, skills and networking opportunities essential to succeed in an increasingly competitive environment.

Wonderful benefit

Another   benefit

Automated equipment operating in a production area
Who We Are

Canadian Fluid Power Association

The Canadian Fluid Power Association comprises fluid power companies and suppliers who come together to learn best practices, share industry insights and promote fluid power-specific education to support the Fluid Power Industry in Canada.

Our Team

Committed to Delivering Value to Association Members

Ted O'Donnell

CFPA President

Lee Jepsen

CFPA Vice President

Caryes Allan

CFPA Past-President

Trish Torrance

CFPA Manager
You're in good company...

Join over 50 industry organizations

Member Testimonial

"Something interesting as a
standout quote..."
